
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.


Love {anchors} the Soul

Lacey has had a vision for a rowboat shoot for FOREVER! 

She finally got her hot little hands on one for us before Christmas.  The holidays hit and there was no time to incorporate it into a shoot.

Then… our lovely friends Kayla and Leif – said YES!  To the boat that is. This sweet little craft has been hiding behind the shop at Lisa & Andre’s.  We booked the shoot Monday night, and Tuesday morning struggled to load her into the back of Lacey’s old truck.

Off to the beach we went… with four-way flashers on and holding back traffic on Northwest Bay Road…

At the beach it was another struggle to haul her down to the water.  Then K&L arrived (with Grande Chai’s – thank you!) – and because they were travelling – no rubber boots in sight. 

We had realized during the loading process that there was only one seat, so rinsed off a gardening bucket and grabbed towels for K&L to sit on.  There is no cleat – so we grabbed a screw and a line.

Would she float?  Lacey offered to be the test subject….  Pushed her off the beach…. And, YES!  No leaks!  Success.

As for our couple …fearless…yes, they were.

Leif – a rower extraordinaire… Kayla, lovely, brave and bootless in the boat.  Seal lions and seagulls and eagles frolicked and flew.  Romance was in the air. 

To end, water in the shoes of the kind stranger who offered to help us carry the boat back up the bank…. Just another morning at Island Moments!



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