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{Beautiful Days}

We meet so many people on our journey.

We first became familiar with Nest & Nurture children’s clothing through one of our local Parksville shops over 3 years ago.

After purchasing a few items through the N&N store directly; Yolanda (the owner/creator of N&N) and Lacey began an online relationship! After every interaction with Yolanda, Lace would make a point of telling Lisa what a sweetheart this woman was ♥

It is pretty amazing how the internet and social media can bring people closer together!

When Yolanda told us that she and her family were making an island trip {and wanted a fam jam session with us} we were thrilled that we were going to finally meet the person behind the Instagram messages ♥

You’ve heard of love at first sight?

This was friendship at first sight!!!!!!!!!!!  Yolanda, her darling daughter, her sweet hubby, and their adorable pup completely stole our hearts.

The people we meet along the way bring us many blessings, and we are grateful that we get to do what we do!

Thank you for having us capture a part of  your island memories!

Xo Lisa & Lacey

p.s. The classic beauty of her children’s line speaks for itself.  Willow and Wren are often attired in N&N’s gorgeous styles! If you haven’t already, go to her website! You will fall in love!

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