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Celebrate, always

Krystal & Jeff

{Ten Year Renewal of Vows}

This is no ordinary love.

When Krystal first contacted us to say – we’re doing something for our ten year renewal.  We’re like – awesome…. We’re in!  Maybe it’s a party… maybe it’s with a big group.   Maybe a small group.  Maybe just them and the kids.  Maybe the two of them with an officiant.  You get the picture.  They weren’t quite sure where they were going with this celebration.  But what we did know was this:  it was the two of them.  The two of us.  And, who knew who else?

Then we received confirmation.  Trent River Falls.  Just the four of us.  Okay, we’re excited.  Honored.  And, not quite sure what’s going to happen.  But hey – we love an adventure!

Next, well, who knows where the falls are?  We sure didn’t!  Like many of the island’s gems; this one takes some effort to get to.  But the rewards when you do!

Back home…. Checking our cards.  As artists, we immediately scrolled through to get to the WATERFALL photos… eeeek!  Superb, they nailed it (no surprise there!)…

But then, scroll back up.  To the beginning of the session.  Where Krystal and Jeff were working as a team.  Putting together the pieces of this celebration…. In their own way.  At their own spot…

Jeff built the campfire.  Krystal laid out crystals, arranged bouquets she had created herself.  Including one in a family heirloom vase.  Lit a smudge stick.  They turned on the tunes – pretty loud over the sounds of the crashing water.  A little Bob Marley anyone?

And, then out came their vows.  Handwritten, and so personal – that we only have photos of the cover, not the promises within.

This was the important part, and because it was set against a background so incredible, we almost forgot the main reason why we were there.

And, it made us think of our own marriages.  Which is what the best sessions do.  Make everyone who seems them, reflect.

This was about ten years of marriage.  Of commitment.  Of hard times.  And good times.  Of a little boy, and a little girl counting on a mama and dada forever together.

It’s easy to do the easy.  But a commitment worth keeping is worth the hard.  Worth the climb.  Worth the cold and the wet.  Worth you.

Of saying yes.  Over and over and over.  Saying yes.  Yes, I love you.  Yes, I’ll be there for you.  Yes, some days I’ll make you angry.  Yes, I’m walking out the door.  To take a walk.  But I’ll be back.  Because I said yes.  And you said yes.  And to let you know how much I care.  I will gift you with this firewood hauled down the steepest of mountains.  To warm you.  And these candles, to light our way, when sometimes it feels like there is only darkness.  And, she will wear a white dress to bring back the memory of the beginnings.  And, he will caress her face with love…

And for all of us in love… what an example these two are.

A reminder for all of us – there is no ordinary love.  Guard it and tend it and be grateful for it and get a little wild and naked for it.  We love you both.  xox, L & L

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